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Tuesday, October 15, 2013

FREE Number Line Worksheets Creator

Hi all!!
I just found this amazing resource where you can make tons of Number Line Worksheets for your classroom. The best part is that cost nothing!! I hope you enjoy it.

Clic here to go to the resource page

Friday, September 27, 2013

TeacherspayTeachers' Round logos How to

Are you having trouble with the TpT round logos? Do you need the exact size of the circle? Do you think you have no skills for design?
Well, this tutorial is for you!!
Clic here to go to the tutorial. Enjoy!!

Tuesday, August 6, 2013

{FREE} Computer center rules posters for teens

Hi guys!

The other day I was asked to be a substitute teacher for 9th grade in my school (we don't have those long vacations in the middle of the year here). I took them to the computers room and just watched what they were doing. Facebook was the first page they opened (Of course). Some of them also opened youtube and started to watch videos.

After a while, I give them a simple task: make a short presentation of your favorite group /music artist. They started fast and get lost in the internet world. Not even one of them finished the task :(

I thought a lot about it that night and came up with a solution: Classroom rules. You could think as they are bigger kids now they will know what the rules are, but no. They need to know they are in a working area where they have to focus in the work.

So, I came up with these and posted in the computer classroom. (I'm not posting real pictures because is not my room and I can be in troubles if I do it)

These are memes, they are fun and viral in the internet. I have to say the kids loved them. They laughed a lot and showed interest in the posters and the content. These posters are free at my TpT store, just go there, download and enjoy! (There are 17 posters in the download)

I will be really happy if you tell me what do your students thought about the posters? Do they helped you in your classroom?

Saturday, July 27, 2013

Catching up ...

Hi, guys! Just catching up a little. I'm really bussy these days creating a big resource for spanish learning. I hope you have had a great time in your vacations. If you are spending your free time making some new resources for your kids you don't want to miss this freebie at my store: 12 lovely frames in every color, ideal for making your covers and posters stand out. Clic in the image for the free download and enjoy!!

clic here to download

Also you should know that I'm having a big discount at my store just for July. Hurry up!!!

My work is been featured this week in two friend's blogs. Make sure you check them out too :)

Teacher Gems

This Little Piggy Reads

Sunday, June 2, 2013

Art journaling {a new hobby}

Now the school is over Im looking for new things to learn. I've started to find some beautiful journals in pinterest and got in love. I even started a new board (you can see it here) and saw many youtube videos about it..... and this is what I came up with in my first attempt:
Well, I need some practice and some tools. Were I live I have a really hard time finding stencils, stamps and good quality paintings. :-(

So I thought maybe I will make it easy digitally. I know is not the same result, but it is really fun too. So I made 3 background designs in 10 different colors each. This is what I came up with:

I used one to make this poster for my niece and she loved so much that she used as her Facebook profile pic:

I think these backgrounds will make beautiful covers for any teaching product and will make it stand out from the rest. You can find them here, only $3.00 in my store:

Clic here to see the backgrounds at my store
So, what do you think about art journaling?

Monday, May 6, 2013

Thank you teachers!

What can we say to the person who inspired us?

Thank you!!!!!Thank you!!!!!Thank you!!!!!Thank you!!!!!Thank you!!!!!

I'm having a big appreciation sale this week!! You don´t want to loose it!! Clic here!!

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Cinco de Mayo {FREEBIE}

Do you celebrate 5 de Mayo? What do you do? I guess you set a piƱata, play the maracas and speak in spanish (LOL). Well actually, this day doesn´t celebrate the Mexico's Independence Day. There's a great story of courage and patriotism behind this hispanic festivity.

Free download
I'm not going to tell you, you will need to find about it. But it will be really fun, just download these Quest cards for free and start your search. This activity is great for groups work, there can be a contest in your classroom to celebrate this day. I recommend this resource for middle school levels. Enjoy!!

If you liked this resource you may want to check out this other about Ancient Greece City/States. It's aligned with CCSS.ELA-Literacy.W.4.7 and some others.

Clic here to go to the resource

Friday, March 1, 2013

FREEBIE: Teaching mouse handling

Hi, all. I have these tiny pre-k students who never have touched a mouse, so they dont know how to use it. They press all the buttons at the same time and dont move it. This morning I discovered a broken mouse. I guess some student drop it and it hit the floor and crack.

So I had to figure it out how to make them notice this is a fragile tool and, at the same time, they should learn handling it correctly. Well, this is what I came with. A mouse craftivity. This is how you can make it:

1. Print the template, it doesn´t have to be big, so you can make 2 in a sheet. Clic here to download the template for FREE. For better results you can print it on cardstock.

2. Cut.

3. Color the left button in blue and the right button in red. Here you should emphasize in the difference between left and right button. Color the back of the ears too. The body can be colored in gray.

4. Using tape, paste a little piece of thread in the back, as a tail.

5. Fold in the ears.

6. And voilĆ”! They have a cute mouse. They should be able to look after their mouses, holding it in the correct way (one finger in each button-ear and the rest holding the body)

I hope you find this activity fun and helpfull. Please let me know how it worked for you.

Sunday, February 24, 2013

It´s almost March!! {Please accept this gift}

Can you believe it? We will start seen lots of flowers, birds, green, love, and life soon. So beautiful!!

So, you better be ready to note all those amazing days you are planning to have in your classroom. Please download this March calendar for free and have fun adding color to it.

free download clic here

{Every graphic and font used in this calendar is available on my TpT store}

I´m starting a "Spring linky party", these are the directons to enter:

Friday, February 15, 2013

How do they make those beautiful product covers?

Enyone who sells teaching products knows the importance of a eye-catching cover. There are many ways to make a good cover, but everyone of them have 3 things in common:

1. A colorful background with a lovely frame in the front:

Clic here to purchase this covers set

2. A creative name written in a cute font:
If you don´t know how to install a font, you can learn here:

3. Some pages of your product, layered and with a drop shadow. You can have images of your product by saving as JPG in Power Point.

Clic here to purchase these posters
You can add some images related to the subject you are working on your product and that's all. I hope you find this information useful. Please let me know if you have any other trick to make your covers.

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Playing with words {plus 2 freebies}

Meet Catherine Reed from The Brown Bag Teacher a new TpT seller who is just beginning her life in education."From paper-bag lunches to anchor charts, it's the just-right life for me." She say.

She wants to share these 2 resources with you. I bet they are going to be really helpful for you.

Clic here to go to the download page

All About Punxsutawney Phil
All About Phil is a fun Groundhog's Day mini-unit. It includes a Can, Are, Have Chart, an adjective activity, acrostic poetry forms, a prediction writing activity, a graphic newsletter, a shadow survey, a math center and SO much more! (Grades 1st and 2nd)

Clic here to go to the download page

Weighing Words: Identifying Synonyms and Antonyms
Weighing Words is a visual approach to teaching synonyms and antonyms. There are 2 anchor charts and a literacy center included in the download! (Grades 1st, 2nd and 3rd)

I hope you find these resources useful and let me know how your students liked them.

Sunday, February 3, 2013

Superbowl Night FREEBIE!!

Oh, yeah!!
Are you dancing? I am!!
I just thought about share some Football related graphics with you. I bet you will find many creative ways to use them.
Be my guest for this Superbowl Night Freebie. I´d love to see how you use it.

Clic here to free download
Just in case you have been in the moon for the last week I want you to know we are having a big SALE only for today at TpT. Just use the code SUPER and you will get 28% OFF in my store.

Clic in the banner for all the fun:

Friday, February 1, 2013

Any plans for this sunday?

I guess you will be doing some snacks to share with your friends and watching the game. That's fun!!
I'm a little crazy/restless/hate routine, so I'm thinking up some new ways to spend the Superbowl sunday....

Hubbies and kids love to watch the game. So, I better don´t count on them for my wild plans (hehe). I bet some of you girls will be like me, so here is a list of things to do besides being the cook/clean lady:

*Go for a walk/run. The streets are going to be alone at that time. You have the entire country for yourself!!
*Call your girlfriends and make a party in a public place like a beach/park/mall. For the same reason above.

It's too cold ouside?

*Just stay in your PJs, get your computer and some snacks, and go to your room. Close the door! And just make a new Pinterest board called "Superbowl wishlist". You deserve everything in the world, and pinning is like buying without a budget.

*Well, maybe after so much pinning you will want real and big satisfaction ...... hmmmm .....well .... I now from a reliable source there will be a BIG sale this sunday in TpT. Hubbie won't see you come home with lots of bags, so, he will be happy too (LOL).

clic here to go TpT

I would say please keep this between us, but I know you will want to share the secret with your friends, so feel free to do it.

How are you going to spend this sunday after all?

Monday, January 28, 2013

Friend feature: Rocking with math

If I say "Vicky Rauch" you may don´t know who she is. But what if I say Scipi?? I bet you instantly think on math, statistics and having fun with those kind of things. Scipi has been teaching since "the earth cooled". Her husband is a teacher as well, and together they have over 70 years of teaching in the elementary, middle school, high school and college areas.

"My focus is mathematics while my husband's is science. We never want to do anything else because we love it! My teaching style is hands-on and energetic while using diverse teaching strategies. I try to teach ordinary things in extraordinary ways." She say.

I know and admire Scipi since I started to sell in TpT and is a big honor to have her great freebie in my blog.

Clic here to go to the download page

Number Tiles is a FREE seven page resource containing four different math problem solving activities for the grades 5-8. The activities extend from addition and multiplication, to using the divisibility rules. Since the students do not write in the book, the pages can be copied and laminated so that they can be used from year to year. 
Students solve the Number Tile Math Activities by arranging ten number tiles, numbered 0-9. Each problem is given on a single page, and each activity varies in difficulty which is suitable for any diverse classroom. Since the students have the freedom to move the tiles around, they are more engaged and more willing to try multiple methods to find the solution. These activities are perfect for the visual and/or kinesthetic learner and can be used individually or at a math center.

Have fun with this resource and let me know how it worked on your classroom.

Sunday, January 27, 2013

How to manage behavioral troubles with a freebie resource

Meet Stephanie DeLussey from Mrs Ds Corner. She is a TpT seller who, as a 3rd year teacher and a current IST facilitator, has worked in 3 different states (PA, VA, and currently DE) in three levels of schools (elementary, middle school, and high school).

"I absolutely LOVE my current position, as I can work with students 1-1 and really get to know them as individuals. With a lot of emphasis put on teaching to the test, I think it's important to teach from the heart, not the books. I enjoy creating and sharing my ideas with other teachers, as I am still just as passionate about teaching now as I was when I had my own classroom." She say.

Stephanie has a freebie to share with you:

Clic here to go to the download page

These 10 writing prompts are fantastic to use when students are displaying or have displayed poor behavior throughout the school day. While the prompts are the same for all ages of students, it's the meaning of the prompt to the student and the student's behavior(s).

Included in the download, you get:
-List of 10 Prompts 

 Elementary / Middle: 
-Letter to Parent / Guardian
 -10 Writing Prompt Cards
 -10 Writing Prompt Record Sheets

 Middle / Secondary
 -Letter to Parent / Guardian
 -10 Writing Prompt Cards
-10 Writing Prompt Record Sheets

Have fun with this resource and  remember to let your fingers show your excitement in the comments!

Friday, January 25, 2013

Saturdays are for not one, but two freebies!

Meet Melissa Yglesias at  More Time 2 Teach . She is a TpT seller who has taught for 14 years, and 12 of those years have been in the 3rd grade. She absolutely love teaching this age group!

Melissa wanted to share 2 freebies from her TpT store:

#1 FREEBIE: No Homework, No Problem:

Clic here to go to the download page
This FREEBIE homework pack has what you need to monitor incomplete homework as well as reward those that ALWAYS complete assignments. This pack includes the following:
  • 3 pages of incomplete parent notices to help keep parents informed if their child does not complete homework.
  • 1 page of incomplete homework log to track the number of incomplete assignments, each child has per grading period. (This helps in case you would like to give a homework grade) 
  • 1 page of CONGRATULATIONS certificate for those students that do complete ALL of their assignments in a grading period.
  • 2 pages of No HOMEWORK Passes to help motivate and reward students.

#2 FREEBIE: Main Idea Details Table:

Clic here to go to the download page
Are you looking for a NEAT graphic organizer to help your students SEE the difference between Main Idea and Details. If so, then have your students create these Main Idea Details Table. The table concept shows them how the main idea needs supporting details similar to how a table needs its legs to stand up on.

I hope you enjoy these two resources. What do you think about them?

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