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Thursday, January 10, 2013

A little helpful "Pin-Tip"

Pinterest is one of the most helpful tools to show your products. It brings a lot of trafic to our TpT stores. Here is a little thing I do to be more efficient. I have a board called "Teacher's Clipart" where I pin all my products when I list them at my store. Then from that board I repin to the other collaborative boards.

Why is this helpful?
Well, if you need to change the comment or the URL, you just need to change it once. Do you know that if you change the product's name at the store, the URL changes? I´ve been there so many times....
Also, your board will be getting more followers who will be happy to see your work.

Like I said, is just something that worked for me, I hope it works for you too. Please, let me know wich "Pin-tip" do you have.

1 comment:

  1. Great tip and super cute resources... I love your stuff and I am looking forward to checking out your Etsy store more closely.

    ❀ Kate
    Purely Paperless


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